Escobar-Mora's short film, Pool version, now available on Retina Latina Online Platform

#CelebraElCineLatino Hoy estrenamos el corto Pool Version de Gonzalo Escobar Mora. Con esta película inauguramos un especial con una muestra de obras latinoamericanas que fueron producidas en la escuela del director húngaro Béla Tarr en el marco de su proyecto académico film.factory de la Sarajevo Film Academy.

View the film / 💥Vean la película aquí

Read a Review of the film / 💥Lean la reseña de Pool version aquí…/

Emma Rozanski's feature, PAPAGAJKA available to watch on @SeedandSpark

As of today, the wonderful new USA-based streaming site, Seed and Spark (who are also a great crowdfunding platform for films with a unique twist on this service), have our Emma Rozanki’s (@aparticularfilm) debut feature film, Papagajka (The Parrot) available to watch online.

Their platform is very inclusive as they offer a pay what you can model, so they are accessible for those with lower incomes. So we’re very happy that Rozanki’s film is now in their online catalogue for an ever-growing audience to watch.


Every viewing the film gets supports the filmmaker and will help her continue to make films!


-Bistrik7 x

Watch Emma Rozanski's debut feature in North America on @Fandor

Emma Rozanski's debut feature film, PAPAGAJKA (SXSW Premiere), is now available to watch on VOD via FANDOR in Canada and the USA.

You can watch if you are a subscriber of Fandor, via Apple TV, or you can sign up for a free trial subscription (there are loads of amazing movies on the platform so it's well worth a try)

Here's the link to @Fandor
