Kaori Oda y Marta Hernaiz Pidal to tour feature film 'Cenote' in Mexico throughout April

Directed by Kaori Oda and Produced by Marta Herzaiz Pidal and Cine Vendeval tour their film Cenote - Screenings of "Cenote" in Yucatan, Mexico, from 4/8 to 4/24, the film will tour 14 municipalities and villages where filming locations. Entirely shot underwater in Yucatán’s Ts’onots/Cenotes

Kaori will be there! BUT, is only staying for about 10 days, so I they can attend about 12 places. Everyday they will strive to attend a different screening!

Outdoor screenings (free) after sunset.


Cada vez más cerca del estreno de 'Ts'onot (Cenote)' y nuestro no cabe de emoción. ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Tour Cine Móvil Toto en la península de Yucatán y Campeche, del 8 al 24 de abril.

Estreno en Cineteca NacionalCineteca Nacional, 28 de abril.